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April 18, 2012

World Trade Center

World Trade Center

World Trade Center in New York City (sometimes informally called the WTC or Twin Towers) is a complex consisting of seven buildings, mostly designed by Japanese-American architect, Minoru Yamasaki and built by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Its construction was initiated by the Lower Manhattan Association, founded and chaired by David Rockefeller, with strong support from his brother, Nelson Rockefeller, who later became governor of New York.

The complex is located in the heart of New York City financial district has 1.24 million m² of office space, almost four percent of the total area of available office space in Manhattan. World Trade Center, known as the Twin Towers had 110 floors is a fire on February 13, 1975 and a bomb attack on February 26, 1993. The seven original building complex was destroyed in the September 11 attacks 2001: WTC 1, WTC 2 (South and North Tower) and WTC 7 collapsed; WTC 3 (Marriott Hotel) destroyed by the collapse of WTC 1 and WTC 2, whereas the WTC 4, WTC 5, and WTC 6 suffered irreparable damage until it had destroyed.

The Great Depression

The Great Depression

Great Depression or malaise era is an event of economic decline-rate dramatically-throughout the world that began in 1929. Depression began with the events of Black Tuesday, the events of the fall of the New York Stock Exchange on October 24 and reach the top terparahnya on October 29, 1929. Depression is devastating the economies of both industrialized and developing countries. Drastically reduced the volume of international trade, as well as personal income, tax revenues, prices, and profits.

Major cities around the world took a beating, especially the city whose income depended on heavy industry. Activity stalled building developments. Rural areas which are of agricultural products are also not spared affected because the price of agricultural products fell 40 to 60 percent. [1] Similarly, the other primary sectors such as mining and forestry.

Between 1939 and 1944, many people get jobs back as World War II, and besarpun Depression ended.

Constitution of the United States

Constitution of the United States

The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the United States. This constitution was completed on 17 September 1787 and adopted by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and then be ratified by special conventions in each state. These documents form a joint federation of sovereign states, and the federal government to run the federation. The Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation is much less clear in the definition of this federation.

This Constitution shall come into force in 1789 and became a model constitution for many other countries. The U.S. Constitution is the oldest national constitution still in use today.

American Revolutionary War

American Revolutionary War

American Revolutionary War (1775-1783), also known as the American War of Independence was a war between Great Britain and the revolutionaries of the 13 British colonies in North America. To-13 colony was New Hampshire colony, the colony of Massachusetts, Rhode Island colony, the colony of Connecticut, colony of New York, New Jersey colony, the colony of Pennsylvania, Delaware colony, the colony of Maryland, Virginia colony, the colony of North Carolina, South Carolina colony, and colony Georgia. The war that then spread outside North America to Britain (British North America) ended with the abolition of British rule of the thirteen colonies and the establishment of the United States.

The term of the Revolutionary War or American Revolution is also often used to refer to these events, although the latter also includes social and political developments before and after the war.

Background due to the occurrence of the Seven Years War between Britain and France (1756-1763) Quebec fight won by Britain.

History of the United States

United States is made up of 13 former British colony after the American Revolution after the declaration of independence on July 4, 1776. At its origin, its political structure was a confederation. But after a long debate and the formation of the Constitution of the United States, the colony was finally agreed to form a federation.

In the 19th-century U.S. forces spread across the continent of North America. Through coercion, military force and diplomacy, the U.S. gained a lot of other states in and outside the country such as Cuba and the Philippines. Even so, the country is experiencing the worst social problems. In an effort to develop the power of the whites, the Native Americans have been victimized. Through military strength, destruction, removal and construction of the reservation area, the native Indians had been excluded. To the south, there is still a system of slavery with blacks as second class citizens. Discrimination of color is one of the causes of civil war between the states-states of North and South. Although the system of slavery had been abolished after the defeat of the countries of the South, racism was rampant that continues into the mid-20th century.

During that era, the country is forging ahead into a world industrial power, which berterusan so into the 20th century, known as the glories of American Century or the American Century. In this century the expanding American influence in the international arena and become a center of innovation and technology as the best in the world. Some of the contributions of technology, including phones, televisions, computers, Internet, nuclear weapons, airplanes and space travel.

The country has experienced some bitter experiences such as the American Civil War (1861-1865) and by poor economic collapse "Great Depression" (1929-1939) who not only hit the United States in fact almost the whole world. The most recent experience of tragedy is an attack 9/11 on 11 September 2001 at the World Trade Center, New York, where nearly three thousand people were killed in terrorist attacks.

In terms of history, this country has been involved in several major world wars, the War of 1812 against Britain, and also with the British berpakta during World War I and World War II. In the 1960s-era American involvement in the Cold War against the other great powers and influence of the Soviet communism. In an effort to stem the spread of communism in Asia, the United States in the Korean War, Vietnam and the last in Afghanistan. After the Soviet collapse and disintegration, the United States rose to become an economic power and the strongest military in the world. During the 1990's, the U.S. established him as the world police and army action in Kosovo, Haiti, Somalia and Liberia, and the First Gulf War against Iraq that invaded Kuwait. After the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the U.S. launched a counterattack against the Taliban in Afghanistan and dropped there, and in 2003 launched the Second Gulf War against Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein's regime.
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