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April 10, 2012

American Universities Infected By Foreign Spies

Daniel Golden t reports that American universities are a target of foreign intelligence services.

Hearkening back to Cold War anxieties, growing signs of spying on U.S. universities are alarming national security officials. As schools become more global in their locations and student populations, their culture of openness and international collaboration makes them increasingly vulnerable to theft of research conducted for the government and industry.

“We have intelligence and cases indicating that U.S. universities are indeed a target of foreign intelligence services,” Frank Figliuzzi, Federal Bureau of Investigation assistant director for counterintelligence, said in a February interview in the bureau’s Washington headquarters.

While overshadowed by espionage against corporations, efforts by foreign countries to penetrate universities have increased in the past five years, Figliuzzi said. The FBI and academia, which have often been at loggerheads, are working together to combat the threat, he said.  

You can read the rest of the story via the below link:

Note: The above photo of Frank Figliuzzi, the FBI assistant director for counterintelligence was taken by Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg. 
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