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April 27, 2009

Rebel Diaz: This is What Democracy Looks Like - in New York! Directed by David "Drizz" Rodriguez

Warning to Mayor Bloomberg and his machine:
Don't underestimate the revolutionary movement from the below! Rebel Diaz!Watch your backs!

This family oriented video is the response to the unjust actions and the unnecessary push for a third term by Mayor Bloomberg. He has to be held accountable for the police murders and brutality, for lack of housing, for being an investor in so much of the gentrification going on in Brooklyn, Harlem, and the South Bronx.
Lah Tere (Rebel Diaz)
G1 (Rebel Diaz)
Rodstarz (Rebel Diaz)
Mark Bucannons
John Mega
YC The Cynic
Directed by David "Drizz" Rodrigue

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